Choosing a Career – Выбор профессии. Топик по английскому языку "Choosing a Career - Выбор профессии" Тема английскому языку choosing a career

Choosing a Career
Finishing school means the independent life for millions of school-leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, colleges and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of thousands! Some pupils follow their parents" advice; others can not make any decision after leaving school.
In childhood I wanted to be a spaceman; then I dreamed of becoming a policeman. Only a few years ago I started thinking about my future career seriously. Life is quite difficult, but I want to have an interesting job and would like it to be connected with different countries and people. That is why I decided to become an interpreter. I am good at foreign languages. My favourite language is English. I like watching films and reading books in the original.
I think the questions- young people should ask themselves are: What am I interested in? and What do I want to be? When they find the answers, they will have the goal to achieve. If you are good at a particular subject and you want your profession to be connected with it, it is important that you study it seriously.
My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and become a physicist. But I am not interested in medicine and I am not good at Chemistry or Biology. As they say, medicine is "not my cup of tea".
Another problem is entering a university. Russian National Exam which school-leavers have to pass at the end of the 11th form is rather difficult, so you have to study really hard to get a necessary number of exam points to enter a university. Moreover, different universities have different number of "acceptance points". I have some friends who did not get enough points to enter the universities they wanted, so they had to choose other places to study or pay for their education.
However, some young people do not know which career to choose even after they "finish school, so they have to waste time deciding, or start working. For young men the situation is difficult because they may be taken to the Army that is why a lot of them enter any institute or university just not to become soldiers.
Sometimes young people choose a career to their liking, they enter a university and after some time they realise that the occupation they chose is not what they really want, so they get poor marks and have to leave the university.
The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about their future seriously before making any decisions.

1. Вступление (what finishing school means, what opportunities school-leavers have after school, if it is easy/difficult to choose a profession).
2. Рассказать о том, кем вы хотели стать в детстве и кем думаете стать теперь (in childhood I wanted to be..., then..., now I want..., I have made/have not made a decision, I am thinking of..., I am good at...).
3. Рассказать о том, чем должны руководствоваться ученики при выборе профессии (I think the young people should...).
4. Рассказать о том, что думает ваша семья о вашем выборе или кем бы они хотели, чтобы вы стали (my father/mother, etc. wants me to..., but...).
5. Рассказать о проблемах, с которыми сталкиваются выпускники после окончания школы (Russian National Exam, universities and necessary exam points, exam failure, pay for education, can not make choice, waste time, working, the Army; choose a wrong career, leave studies).
6. Заключение (The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about their future seriously before making any decisions.).

1. What opportunities do school-leavers have after finishing school?
2. Is it easy to choose a future career? Why (not)?
3. What did you want to be in your childhood?
4. Have you made up your mind about the future occupation?
5. What would you like your future occupation to be connected with?
6. What school subjects are you good at?
7. What do you think young people should ask themselves when they start thinking about their future?
8. What do your parents think about your future career?
9. Do you usually follow your parents" advice?
10. Do you think that parents should take part in the discussion of your future profession or shall you make a decision yourself?
11. What problems do young people face nowadays after finishing school?
12. Do you study hard to pass the Russian National Exam successfully?
13. Have you chosen the subjects which you will take exams in?
14. Do you agree that sometimes people may get disappointed in the profession they chose? Why (not)?
15. What are the choices for them then?
16. Is it important to choose the future profession only by your interests? Why (not)?
17. Do you think some occupations are useless? Why?
18. Have you heard about professions that are are not taught at universities? What are they? _


Occupations (Professions) Профессии
accountant бухгалтер
actor/actress актёр/актриса
architect архитектор
artist художник
astronaut астронавт, космонавт
baker пекарь
barber/hairdresser парикмахер мужской/женский
butcher мясник
carpenter плотник
cashier кассир
chef/cook шеф-повар
composer композитор
computer programmer программист
construction worker строитель
courier курьер
dancer танцор/танцовщица
dentist стоматолог
doctor врач
driver . водитель
editor редактор
electrician электрик
estate agent риелтор, агент по недвижимости
farmer фермер
fire fighter пожарный
flight attendant бортпроводник
gardener садовник
journalist журналист
lawyer юрист
librarian библиотекарь
mechanic механик
model модель
musician музыкант
nurse медсестра
painter маляр
pharmacist фармацевт
photographer фотограф
pilot пилот
plumber сантехник
police officer полицейский
postal worker/postman почтальон
sailor моряк
salesperson продавец
scientist учёный
secretary секретарь
security guard охранник
singer певец/певица
taxi driver таксист
teacher учитель
translator/interpreter переводчик
travel agent турагент
veterinarian/vet ветеринар
waiter/waitress официант/официантка

My future career (Моя будущая карьера/ профессия)

I am a school-leaver and this year I am finishing school. When you leave school, you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It is not an easy task to choose the right job for you.
There are a lot of different professions and it is really hard to choose the one, which would be interesting for you and will help you earn your living. Generally, I think that choosing the right job is the main question not only for a school-leaver, but also for all the family. Though I understand that parents can help their children make the right choice, I guess it is much wiser to look at what interests you personally and only then try to find something that might suit your interests and your personality using your parents" advice.
As a child I liked to gather with my friends at my place and we imagined that we were at school. I was a teacher and my friends were pupils. All my mother’s recipe books were turned into school registers ; all the furniture was used as blackboards where I drew with chalk. As a result, I was punished but I still didn’t change my dream to connect my future profession with children. Now I have already decided what to do. I would like to become a teacher.
In my opinion, to be a teacher is not an easy task because you need not only to love children, but you also should have an ability to explain things clearly, know your subject profoundly and be an all around person. Though this is not the easiest task, I am sure that I have got almost all necessary qualities to become a really good teacher.
Nowadays it is very important to know a foreign language, especially English. More and more people need qualified teachers to teach them today. I understand that this profession is greatly demanded and that is why I would like to become an English teacher. This year I am going to enter the at the local University. To get an education of a teacher it is not the only thing one needs to become a real teacher. Good teachers continue learning their subject all their career to be able to answer any questions that might arise. They should be an example of competence for their pupils.
Our life is too short and that is why I cannot afford to waste my time on a job, which I am not going to enjoy. I hope that I will never regret choosing the career path of a teacher.

Список слов к топику на тему «Моя будущая профессия» (“My future career”) на английском языке:

school-leaver – выпускник
earn your living – зарабатывать на жизнь
imaginе - представлять
school register – школьный журнал
punish – наказывать
connect one’s future profession with – связать будущую профессию с
ability to explain – умение объяснять
profoundly – углубленно, основательно
be greatly demanded – быть сильно востребованным
department of foreign languages – факультет иностранных языков
an example of competence – пример компетентности
regret – жалеть

Грамматика, которая будет полезной для топика «Моя будущая профессия» (“My future career”) на английском языке: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, would like, be going to. Вы можете почитать необходимые темы по английской грамматике по этой ссылке .

Эти вопросы пригодятся Вам, если Вы захотите сами составить топик (тему) по английскому языку на тему «Моя будущая профессия» (“My future career”):

1. What do you dream to become?
2. Why have you made that choice?
3. What establishment are you going to enter to master the profession?
4. What qualities do you need to possess in order to get the profession your dream of?
5. Is the profession of your dream highly paid?

Хотите изучать английский со мной ?

Пройдите тест , чтобы определить свой уровень английского. Свяжитесь со мной по email: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript и укажите: 1. свой уровень английского языка; 2. какое направление английского языка Вас интересует (бизнес, общий, специальный курс английского); 3. все возможные дни и время обучения; 4. желаемую дату проведения пробного урока; 5. страну и город проживания (мне это необходимо для определения Вашего часового пояса). Я свяжусь с Вами, как только у меня будет возможность. Обратите внимание, что индивидуальные занятия по английскому проходят в городе Монреаль, Канада. Для жителей других городов возможны занятия по английскому только по скайп (Skype).

Choosing a future profession is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life. If you spend eight hours a day five times a week at the place you hate, your whole life can be spoilt only because of your job.

So, it is a question of satisfaction with the career. Besides, a future income depends on the type of work a person will do. It should be enough to correspond to his needs and ambitions.

How to Make a Right Choice?

Those people who manage to choose a prosperous and satisfying career are lucky. But, most young people are not quick in making a right decision because they do not have enough life experience.

First, estimate your own abilities and talents. Most likely, your favourite subjects at school or your hobbies will build up a strong basis for your future professional field.

Secondly, it is good to ask for advice from working professionals and visiting them at work. Try to visit different places, compare what you see, analyse if it your cup of tea or not. Moreover, parents and teachers are always ready to help, ask them.

Finally, look inside yourself. See how ambitious you are, what kind of character and temper you have, what your tempo of life is. Your future job should be corresponding to your nature.

Popular Professions among the Modern School-leavers

Professional preferences of school-leavers change from generation to generation. Scientific progress, fashion and economic situation in the country play a great role in choosing definite professions.

Modern teenagers want to be engineers, policemen, doctors, lawyers. Among the least popular are scientists, teachers, and artists.

Важный выбор

Выбор будущей профессии – одно из важнейших решений в жизни человека. Если пять раз в неделю по восемь часов вы проводите в ненавистном месте, вся ваша жизнь может быть испорчена только из-за работы.

Поэтому карьера – это вопрос удовлетворения. Кроме того, от специфики выполняемой работы зависит будущий доход. Он должен быть достаточным, чтобы соответствовать нуждам человека и его желаниям.

Как сделать правильный выбор?

Счастливы те люди, которым удается выбрать правильный путь. Но большинство молодых людей не могут быстро принять правильное решение, потому что им не хватает жизненного опыта.

Во-вторых, хорошо спросить совета профессионалов и побывать у них на работе. Постарайтесь сходить в разные места, сравнивайте то, что вы видите, анализируйте, подходит это вам или нет. Более того, родители и учителя всегда готовы помочь, спрашивайте их.

Популярные профессии среди современных выпускников

Профессиональные предпочтения выпускников меняются от поколения к поколению. Научно-технический прогресс, мода и экономическая ситуация в стране играют огромную роль в выборе профессии.

Современные подростки хотят быть инженерами, полицейскими, врачами, юристами. Среди менее популярных профессий – ученые, преподаватели, художники.

Key Words:
Job Areas : agriculture, coal mining, sport, law, medicine, business, information technology, the media, shipbuilding.
Professions : politician, sculptor, doctor, vet, teacher, nurse, professional footballer, scientist, lawyer, journalist, computer programmer.
Skills : communication skills, computer skills, driving, language skills, organizational ability, typing.
Qualities : cooperation, creativity, cultural awareness, flexibility, initiative, motivation, tolerance, responsibility.

Job Areas - Сферы трудовой деятельности:
agriculture - сельское хозяйство,
coal mining - угольная промышленность,
sport - спорт,
law - юриспруденция,
medicine - медицина,
business - бизнес/ предпринимательство,
information technology - информационные технологии,
the media - средства массовой информации,
shipbuilding - кораблестроение.

Professions - Профессии:
politician - политический деятель,
sculptor - скульптор,
doctor - врач,
vet - ветеринар,
teacher - учитель,
nurse - медицинская сестра/няня,
professional footballer - профессиональный футболист,
scientist - ученый,
lawyer - юрист/адвокат,
journalist - журналист,
computer programmer - программист.

Skills - Умения, навыки:
communication skills - коммуникативные навыки,
computer skills - навыки работы на компьютере,
driving - навыки вождения,
language skills - практическое владение (иностранным) языком,
organizational ability - организационные способности,
typing - навыки машинописи.

Qualities - Качества:
сooperation - сотрудничество,
сreativity - творчество,
cultural awareness - социо-культурная компетенция,
flexibility - гибкость,
initiative - инициатива,
motivation - мотивация,
tolerance - терпимость,
responsibility - ответственность.

Useful Expressions:
to make money, to have one"s own business, to do one"s best, to make a career, to get a promotion, to have an advantage, to accelerate rapidly, to become self-employed, to become old-fashioned, to make a living, to be made redundant, to apply for a job, to earn one"s living (to do for a living), to get a well-paid job, to get (receive) a salary/holiday pay/sick pay.

To make money - делать деньги;
to have one"s own business - иметь свое собственное дело;
to do one"s best - делать все возможное, не жалеть сил;
to make a career - сделать карьеру;
to get a promotion - получить повышение по службе;
to have an advantage - иметь преимущество;
to accelerate rapidly - быстро расти;
to become self-employed - начать заниматься собственным бизнесом;
to become old-fashioned - становиться старомодным;
to make a living - зарабатывать на жизнь;
to be made redundant - быть уволенным (по сокращению штата);
to apply for a job - подавать заявление о приеме на работу;
to earn one"s living (to do for a living) - зарабатывать на жизнь;
to get a well-paid job - получить хорошо оплачиваемую работу;
to get (receive) a salary/holiday pay/sick pay - получать заработную плату/отпускные/оплату больничного листа.

The given texts are sample texts and we recommend you to use them while getting ready with your own stories on the topic.

Job Ttends.
Survival of the Fittest.

Between now and the 21st century citizens of the world"s richest and most technologically advanced nations will find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the demand for change. For them, the future will arrive too soon. So begins Alvin Toffler"s book FUTURE SHOCK, written back in 1970.
Now people are beginning to pay attention to Toffler"s prediction, because the speed of change is accelerating rapidly. It is sometimes difficult to work out the patterns of change. What should you do? First of all, don"t panic.
Take a deep breath and try to get a sense of the good things the future has to offer.
You don"t need to be a genius to predict the job areas which will be most affected by technological change. Agriculture, textiles, coal mining and heavy industry are all doing badly. On the other hand, business, the media, information technology, and the biosciences are doing really well.
Without doubt, the number of jobs in information technology will rise dramatically. There are currently over 100 million computers in the world and by 2020 the number will be around one billion. Because of this, computer programmers and systems analysts will be in much greater demand.
There are also many other important changes taking place in the workplace. First, the job market is getting more and more competitive and the idea of a "job for life" has already become old-fashioned. Because of this, workers will have to be more flexible.
According to Mark Hastings of the Institute of Management, in the future people will organize their working life around a variety of contracts, instead of working just for one company.
In the same way, companies will change; they will be organized more democratically. People will move sideways to different jobs, rather than moving up the "company ladder" as before. Many more people will work for small, dynamic companies, which can react, quickly to changes in the market. Other people will give up working for a boss and become self-employed. All this means that companies will require people who are flexible and responsible. They will also need people who can work co-operatively and get on well in a team.
Good communication skills will be essential. According to Dr.Laurence Lyons of the Future Work Forum, women will initially have an advantage in this area. James Traeger, of the training agency Menswork, explains that many men will have to be retrained. "It"s not about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well."
We are undoubtedly moving towards a global economy. English will probably remain the international business language. However, understanding other people, their minds, culture and history will be vital.
Above all, a manager will need to feel comfortable working with people from other cultures and coping with cultural differences.
New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace, so don"t get left behind. You don"t need to become a computer expert, but you must consider improving your computer skills. Work with more than one program in case you have to use them at work, and try to read about all the latest technology.
Undoubtedly, all this new technology is changing the way we work and offering many alternative ways of working. Rather than go into an office, a lot of people are connected to the Internet and now work from home. Working like this may give you the flexibility you want - to live where you want, to continue your studies and to have a lot more free time. That must be good news.

My Plans for the Future.

I have asked myself a lot of times: "What do I want to be when I leave school?" A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better suited.
I wanted to become a doctor. I thought it was a very noble profession. I was good at biology and chemistry. I wanted to help people who had problems with health. I knew that a doctor should be noble in work and life, kind and attentive to people, responsible and reasonable, honest and prudent. A doctor, who is selfish, dishonest can"t be good at his profession. I tried to do my best to develop good traits in myself.
Now it seems to me I have already decided what to do. I"d like to be a teacher. I know that it"s very difficult to become a good teacher. You should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be well educated and well informed. An ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a fearful teacher teaches fear, a bored teacher teaches boredom. But a good teacher develops in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty. As John Steinbeck once said, a great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts. It"s a great responsibility to bring up children. I think that"s the reason why teachers are deeply respected. But I"m not sure yet if I am going to become a teacher, because they are not well payed enough.
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It"s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
More and more people realize that every educated person should know a foreign language. No matter what I am to be in the future I know quite well just now I must know English perfectly.

Задачи и тесты по теме "Тема 1. "Choosing a Career"."

  • Education and future career - Vocabulary 5–9 класс

Topic: How to choose a career

Тема: Как выбрать профессию?

The main question for a teenager, who has recently finished the school, is how to choose a proper career. , parents and teachers can not step in our shoes and give a useful advice to us. Therefore, when the time comes, we need to decide by ourselves. It is important to choose the profession, which will bring not only a big sum of money, but also a pleasure. It means that the main task is to find your calling in life. It is quite difficult, but the result will be well worth it.

Главным для подростка, который только-что закончил школу, является вопрос о том, как выбрать подходящую профессию. Как это часто бывает, родители и учителя не могут поставить себя на наше место и дать хороший совет. Поэтому, когда приходит время, нам нужно решать самостоятельно. Важно выбрать ту профессию, которая будет приносить не только большие суммы денег, но и удовольствие. Это значит, что основной задачей является найти свое призвание в жизни. Это довольно сложно, но результат стоит усилий.

First of all, make a list of your talents. It will help us to get better understanding of your possibilities. For example, if you are good at chemistry and biology, you can become a scientist or a doctor, if you love to work with children, you can work in education, if you are creative, choose the career of an artist or a designer, if you show the good results on the IT lessons, The main idea here is to do the work, which you manage to do better

Прежде всего, составь список своих талантов. Это поможет тебе лучше понять свои возможности. Например, если ты хорошо справляешься с химией и биологией, можешь стать учёным или врачом, если тебе нравится работать с детьми, можно работать в сфере образования, если ты творческий человек, выбирай профессию художника или дизайнера, если ты показываешь хорошие результаты на уроках информатики, стань успешным программистом. Основным здесь является делать ту роботу, которая лучше всего тебе удаётся.

If you think, that you are gifted at nothing, do not be sad. Maybe, you just do not manage to notice your talents. , probably, they will help you. If the situation is not improving, always there is . You can try to develop some special skills, which will help you to make the right decision when it is necessary. I reckon that different career tests can also become a hint for those who have difficulties in choosing the profession. Of course, it will not become your main guide, but it will somehow help you.

Если кажется, что ты ничем особенным не одарен, не отчаивайся. Возможно, тебе просто не удается заметить собственные таланты. В таких случаях, можно попросить совета у родителей или друзей, возможно, они тебе помогут. Если ситуация не улучшается, всегда есть другой выход. Можешь попробовать развить какие-то особые навыки, которые помогут тебе сделать выбор, когда будет нужно. Я считаю, что различные тесты на выбор профессии могут также стать подсказкой для тех, кому сложно выбрать профессию. Конечно, они не станут твоим основным ориентиром, но как-нибудь всё же помогут.

In my opinion, a good idea will be to find some special with the career you are going to choose. It will give you an opportunity to examine yourself. If everything is all right and you are delighted with your choice, there is another advantage in this training or courses – you receive the practice and develop, necessary for your future career, skills.

Я думаю, что хорошей идеей будет найти специальные курсы или тренинг, связанный с профессией, которую ты собираешься выбрать. Это даст тебе возможность проверить себя. Если всё хорошо, и ты доволен своим выбором, есть и другое преимущество в тренинге или курсах – ты получаешь практику и развиваешь, необходимые для будущей профессии навыки.

There are also cases, when some misunderstandings arise between your parents and you because they don"t accept your choice. As a result, instead of the support in such a serious moment, you receive a lot of criticism and scandals. A good solution will be to try to explain to parents your point of view, maybe even prove your words with your special achievements, connected with the career you are going to choose. Parents are not your enemies, they just care about our future, so you should be patient and try to understand them, but do not allow to break your dreams.